Friday, June 24, 2011

First Royals Game

We took Myles to his first Royals game this week. Aunt Tara and Kylie even got to go with us. Myles was great the whole time and he LOVED the big T.V. in the outfield. :)

Happy Father's Day

We celebrated Blake's first father's day this year and spent Sunday evening with both of our families. Blake had smoked a brisket and salmon the day before and we got to enjoy it that night. 

Blake has been such a wonderful daddy to Myles. He has worked so hard this spring with teaching, coaching baseball, working on his masters, and also working for Royals. Although, it has been tough at times to basically have Myles on my own... I always remember that Blake is doing it for us! He is doing all those things to provide for his family and I love him dearly for it. I think this is why summer break is so special to us because of how busy Blake is during the year. Myles is sure happy to have daddy at home! No one makes him smile like daddy can!

Myles and I are so blessed to have Blake in our lives and we love him greatly!

Love this!

My two boys!

My new summer place settings. I even got creative and made the flower napkin rings. 

The guests of honor

I think he looks like such a little boy here. Where did my baby go???



Opening their cards from Myles

Outside Fun!

We are so glad nice weather is here because we LOVE being outside. We have always been outdoorsy people and Myles is adjusting to being outside quite well. Myles loves looking at everything and just takes it all in.

We are so blessed to have the jobs we do and that we are both able to be off with our little guy in the summers! We have had so much fun!

On a side note: Chloe is finally out of her kennel. 14 weeks in the kennel for 2 knee surgeries is rough! She is so happy to join the family again!!! :)

Myles loves the doggies. He actually likes to run his fingers through their hair and not grab it. The dogs love Myles and are always on clean up duty for when he spits up!

My sweet baby. I think he is looking more and more like his daddy!

Hanging out with dad and Casey in the pool. The lazy kid preferred to recline back and not sit up while in the pool. 

Always curling his toes.

Daddies are the best!

This was taken after the 3 of us got back from our morning walk.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Look at this ham! Hope it brightens your day!

Growin' Boy

From months 4 to 5 Myles has made huge strides physically and developmentally. He went from the 3% height to the 50%, and 10% weight to 60%!. He now grabs for EVERYTHING, is very interested in the food Blake and I are eating, is able to hold his own bottle at times (when he's not being lazy), starting to show an interest in crawling towards an object, and really close to sitting all on his own. He also loves, to stand and bounce. One of his new favorite toys/activities is his Johnny Jump Up. He likes to bounce and swing all over the place in it. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Like Father Like Son

While getting ready for bed Myles felt the need to enlighten me with numerous stories. He loves to talk ALL the time; much like his father. :) Love them both!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Play-Dates are the Best

Myles and I got to go over and hang out with Julie and Finn this morning. Finn was born 11 weeks after Myles this Spring.  The boys aren't too exciting right now. They just lay there and look at each other. Next summer we will be chasing them all over the place though. :) 

I feel truly blessed to have Julie in my life. She is one of the sweetest people you will meet and is such a wonderful mommy. I was fortunate enough to do my student teaching with her 4 years ago now and we have been close ever since. I'm so excited to get to raise our little boys together!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Family Pool Time

Well, we finally made it as a family to the pool. I think mommy and daddy were more excited that Myles though. Myles really seemed to enjoy the water and was very relaxed the whole time. 

Myles is really messing with mommy's tan though. He normally naps 2-4 hours right during prime "sun" time and even if he didn't nap then, it's way too hot out for little man. But as long as Myles loves a pale mommy, I'm ok with it!

Myles was so tuckered out he fell asleep on daddy on the walk home.

This is how he chilled in the pool for most of the time.

First time going under the water. Check out my face. HaHa!

And... he survived

He's a cute lil turd!