Saturday, October 8, 2011

Louisburg Cider Mill

Today we went to the Louisburg Cider Mill. We got to play with the pumpkins, eat some cider doughnuts, drink some slushy cider and root beer and hang with family. Overall, a wonderful time.

Myles cheesin' it up in his stroller.
He loved the pumpkins.

Always a good time when daddy's there.
Grammy and Papa went too.

She thinks he's pretty sweet.
Mmmm... trying his first doughnut. Definitely not making a habit of eating sweets, but this was a special occasion. :) 
LOVED the apple cider slushy!

He even wanted mommy's root beer. BUT... that's where I drew the line. No pop. Sorry buddy. 
But I didn't stop him from pretending. LOL. 
"Hi my name is Myles... and I have a problem..."
Check out his hand... FULL of doughnut!
First reaction to the cider slushy.
Hanging with papa.

Papa thought it would be fun to let him play on the ground. He's never had a boy so he thought it was funny for him to get dirty!
Jumping around after doughnuts and slushy... check out that vertical! Woo Hoo... we're working on a scholarship baby!
Fun stuff on the ground.
Fun family day!

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