Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Boys are Getting Bigger

Myles and I love going to visit our friends Julie and Finn. Finn was born 2.5 months after Myles and it's been fun to see them go through changes together. Finally, they are able to interact and play a little more.

 Finn wasn't so sure what to think of Myles climbing all over him. My child is a monkey!

 Yes, we had to practice "good touches" like we do with our puppies. I can't have a baby bully on my hands.
 Finn thought Myles was silly. I love this picture of sweet Finn.
And... there's my child doing what he does best. Probably filling his pants! 

Bush Those Teeth

Little man now has 7, yes 7, teeth! This month we have started making brushing our teeth part of our bedtime routine. He loves his tooth brush! Well, he loves chewing on it anyway.

Surprise Surprise

So I was doing laundry and decided it would be good to wash his high chair cover. YIKES! Look what we found under the cover. Someone was saving stuff for later.

Needless to say, I will be cleaning it out a little sooner next time!

Happy Thanksgiving

We were in town for Thanksgiving this year. On Thursday we spent the day at my parents house and then on Friday we were at Blake's parents. I was glad Myles was old enough to actually get to enjoy some of the Thanksgiving food. His favorite was the green bean casserole. 

So, I promise I dress my kid cuter that what you see in these pictures. He had really cute sweaters on but got hot so we took them off. But unfortunately, underneath he had just a plain jane white onsie on. 
So therefore...looks like a bum. 
Myles' plate of yummies
Not sure what to think at first, but ended up loving it.
Daddy and buddy while eating his first Thanksgiving meal.
Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt were able to join us.
They sure took a fancy to Myles. Grandpa probably said 5 times while there, "Well, he sure is a good looking boy."
Daddy and Myles resting after turkey. :)
Ornery little stinker.
Blake enjoying a nap.
Playing puzzles with grammy.
Papa giving Myles his bottle. Papa needs to work on not giving in to Myles. If he gets distracted after one ounce... "Ohh, well Myles doesn't want any more." No dad... he needs to eat more, so make him eat. "Well if Myles doesn't want to, he doesn't have to!"   OH BROTHER!
Papa and Myles
"It's so fluffy!!!"
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture of Myles and Grandma.
Grandpa Chuck (Revelle side)
Myles looks so tiny.
Playing the drums with dada.
Grandpa Chuck, Grandma Marcie, and Myles
Grandma and Myles looking for dada outside.
Waving and whispering "buh, bye". For some reason he feels he has to whisper it.
Playing with Grandpa and the I-Pad. He loves the I-Pad.
Look how excited they BOTH are. :)
So cool buddy.


Myles new favorite thing to do is to play blocks. And when I say "play"  I mean destroy anything that is more than 2 blocks high! It doesn't matter if it is 2 blocks or 20 blocks... he will spot it from across the room and crawl as fast as he can to tear it down.
Blake always tries to build these elaborate towers and never gets very far. Ha!

One night after Myles went to bed Blake finally got to build his elaborate castle and he was very proud of it.   :) 
The next morning Myles spotted it, went "Ohhhhhhhh", and down it came. 

Thanks Uncle Al

Uncle Al brought back this adorable lawn chair from Nebraska for Myles. He loved climbing on it more than sitting on it, but non the less... still loved it. 

Thanks Uncle Al

"Say Cheese"

I love this boy's sweet smiles. These were his 10 month pictures that I took in his room. 

CHEESE!!! Check out these 2 teeth on bottom!

Our Little Cow

Finally I am getting around to putting up Halloween pictures! I KNOW... It took me forever. Sorry. Well,  my sweet Myles was a cow and didn't mind wearing his costume at all. 
The Thursday before Halloween we went up to my school to trick-or-treat. They put on a Halloween night for all the feeder schools and it's great because it is inside. 
Then Monday (Halloween), Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Tara and Aunt Kylie swung by the house to see Myles before they went to the Chiefs game. After they left Myles and I ran across town to visit Grammy and Papa. We came back home right when Blake was getting home from work and went trick-or-treating to friends' houses around the neighborhood. wheew!!! What a night!

This is one of my favorite pictures of my sweet boy!
Anne and Everett (My job share partner)
Mommy and Myles
Myles and I and Lindsey and Camden
Myles thought she tasted good
Love her rosy cheeks
The Blakes and their kiddos
Check out Myles' reaction to seeing Brooks walk up!
Ryan, Steph and Mr. Brooks (Cat and the Hat)
The Iles Clan (Blake, Lindsey, & Cam)
Thinking he needs some candy.
Loves his daddy
Checking out his Halloween basket Grandma brought him.
"Look mom, Puffs!"
They love that lil' cow.
Aunt T (Sun drop girl) and Aunt Kylie (Pumpkin)
Goofy boy
Myles and Grammy
Myles and Papa
Walking around
Grammy let him trick-or-treat for puffs.
Myles and Lance (Woody) trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. They are best buddies!
The Revelle Clan