Sunday, December 18, 2011

Learning New Stuff

It always seems like little ones start new things in spurts. For example: I remember when it was like a matter of 2 days and Myles had learned to crawl, pull up on stuff and started saying two new words. It seems as though something just clicks and they take off. We have been having some of those moments around our house lately and my "baby" is seeming more and more like a big boy everyday.

I have a couple short stories/examples of what has been going on in the Revelle house lately.

1. I finally broke down and went and bought the boy a couple pairs of "striderite" shoes. In my mind I was thinking... "Are you kidding much for a pair of baby shoes? They better make him a star track athlete..." Well it turns out, they are wonderful for little ones to start walking in and little man is sooooo close. He is pushing his walker (on his own) all over the house, walking around objects with just holding on with one hand,  standing on his own for 10-30 seconds, and walking places with us, while just holding one of our hands.

2. I have been trying to get him to clap for what seems like forever. Then yesterday, while walking through Walmart and watching Elmo sing and dance (something we have to do every time we are in the store... he's the boy's favorite!) he started clapping. Yea buddy! Since then, he has been doing it on command and is so stinkin' cute while doing it!

3. The other day, Myles crawled over to the stereo and turned it on. I didn't even know he knew how to do that! Not only did he turn on the radio, he continued to change the stations until he found something he liked. He ended up leaving it on Far East Movement's "Like a G6". He then proceeded to pull himself up and bounce his booty up and down!!! So hilarious! Now I know what you're thinking...hmmm Whitney where would he have heard this kind of music... WELL not from me folks... I only listen to Baby Einstein and K Love. It must just be in his blood because Mommy likes a good beat every now and then. :)

Here is the link to the music video so you can see the kind of trash my son prefers!

4. Myles sometimes comes in bed with me in the mornings for some extra cuddle time. Well, this particular morning he had gotten ahold of my phone and I figured it was pretty safe since the lock was on it. Well,  Myles figured out how to get it unlocked and when I got to my phone, the boy was on FACEBOOK! So he had unlocked the phone, navigated to my "apps" screen and pushed the facebook app! He must see daddy doing that too much.... that's all I can say. ;)

5. Myles vocabulary now consists of "mama", "dada", "baba", "hey", "bu bye", "nana", "Emmo", "dog", and "ball". He is also trying to mimic really anything you say. Like tonight, I asked him if he was ready to go night night, and he then replied "Ny Ny". But the words above are the ones that he is consistently saying. The other day he was looking at his animal books and turned to the "dog" page. Without me saying anything he repeated the word "dog" about 10 times! It was so cool for me to see that he recognized what a dog was in a book!

These are his favorite animal books!

6.  There are ducks on the cover of one book (as you can see above) and there are also some ducks in the middle of another book. Myles kept the ducky cover book on his lap, the proceeded to flip through the other books until he found the other ducks. Once he found them, he laid them side by side and waved his his hands in the air excitedly. What a smart boy! He made a match! 

These are just some of the new and exciting things Myles is doing lately. It is so much fun to see how smart and strong he is getting!

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