Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

We love this weather!

Is it May or January??? Either way, Myles and I love this weather! Today we went on a walk to the park and had a picnic. The pups joined us and we had a fun afternoon. Myles thought it was way cool to not have to eat in a highchair and to help mommy with her sandwich.

 Shoving crackers in his mouth.
 Pretty Casey in the background. She always stays close to Myles.
 Enjoying some milk like a big boy!
 Helping me with my sandwich.
Myles helping himself to the rest of his lunch.

Love this little guy. He is my buddy and is always up for new things!
 Good girls. They love this weather too!
 Just chillin' in the swing.
 Little monkey
 He LOVES slides! He will go down the biggest slide all by himself and laugh the whole way. No Fear!
I got up there and went down the big slide with him! He loved it!
 Megan and Brynn swung by the park to play a little while. 
 These two love each other. So stinkin' cute!
Sweet babies.

Friday, January 20, 2012

More Family time!

The weekend after New Years the Revelle family got together at Roger and Debbie's house. It was great to see everyone. We had family come in from Topeka, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma and Belleville Kansas! Most everyone had not seen Myles since he was 8 weeks old! He's just a tad bigger now!

 Aunt Carol and Grandpa Tony
 Grandpa wanted to hold Myles, but about 10 seconds into holding him he said, "He is too heavy!"
 Myles loved Uncle Herb's cool beard.
 "Myles look at the camera."
 Noooo, your beard is just too much fun Herb!
 The next couple shots are when Blake got ahold of the camera. You never know what you're going to get!
 Myles and Grandma

 Aunt Erna
 Auntie Dee
 Telling secrets with Uncle Al
 Really silly ones...
 Uncle Al is so cool!

 Getting some "Bananagrams" going.
 Full belly nap time
 Little monkey getting into everything.
 How sweet are they??? I love that they are over there sharing a chair and holding hands! I want to be like that some day!
 Reading the Christmas Story

 Uncle Terry would sit on the ground and play with Myles all day long!

 "ooohhh cool" as Myles would say.

 Myles loves his car but I have to tell you Nancy, I think his daddy loves it even more....!
 Debbie worked really hard on making photo books for everyone! They turned out awesome!
 I LOVE this picture! Those two just light up around this little boy!
 Anywhere Myles was... Uncle Herb was close by. They were looking at all the ornaments together.
 Myles found the "Baa!"
 Jordan, Sally and Myles
 Got to love family...
 All 5 Kriks kids: Erna, Herb, Debbie, Al, Dee
Grandpa Tony jumped in there.
 Erna, Steve, and Christina
 Herb and Nancy
 Al and Carol
 Dee and Terry
 Grandma and Grandpa
Roger and Debbie
 Two of a kind
 Grandpa is silly
 No matter how big you get... piggies still taste good!
The Revelle family of 4. Blake had left earlier that day for a coaches conference in San Antonio and Kylie was working that day. So Myles and I hung out with the fam.