Sunday, January 15, 2012

Partyin' Elmo Style

Myles' long awaited 1st Birthday party was on Saturday. I had been planning and creating projects for this little guys' big day for months. I planned this for months, not just because I'm a crazy mom, but because I really got into it and I enjoyed all the art projects. Overall, we had a great time and these memories are something I will cherish forever.
Our family of 3. Yes we wore matching shirts!
Mommy and the Star of the Day!
My two favorite guys!
The entry table. I made the Sesame Street sign.
These are the pictures that I took of Myles each month. I hung the 12 photos up with close pins that I painted.
Needless to say we had plenty of Elmo decorations from Christmas presents. In the background we had an Elmo CD playing. You could register the CD online and and enter your kids name on it. Then Elmo talks and sings to "Myles" throughout the whole CD. Very cute!
The dining room table decorations. DORTHY fish!!! They were also the party favors. Everyone of Myles' little buddies got to go home with their own "Dorthy." 
Dining room
Everyone went home with "Dorthy" food too.
Ta da!
I hand painted each of the MYLES letters. Then I glued googly eyes on them, pom poms for the noses on Elmo and Ernie, and a pipe cleaner for Oscar's eyebrows. I made the photo frames and the "Myles" street sign in the back. And don't forget Myles' Dorthy fish. Myles loves his fishy! Every time we go look at Dorthy he says "Coooool!" 
The punch wasn't made yet in this picture, but it was "Ernie's Rubber Ducky" punch. We had Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes and "Monster Cookies" for desert.

There's the cupcakes I made! Talk about a sugar high!

Aunt T even decorated the fridge.
This is the balloon wreath I made to hang on the pantry door. I tied about 700 water balloons in half to where they would stand up, then I hot glued them to a plain wreath. I thought it turned out pretty cute!
Ok, so this is how party minded I got... Notice the Sesame Street characters on the back of the oven. Well, back at Christmas time, Myles had opened one of his Elmos and Blake was about to throw away the box. I said, "Wait, I can use that box!" I ended up cutting the characters off the box and now they decorated my oven. 
This was our "Baby Buffet." Full of different kinds of puffs, animal crackers, melts, etc. Big hit with the 12 months and under crowd.
Elmo utinsils
Cheese and crackers. But notice the cheese is cut into the letter "M". NO I didn't cut them all out, I had ABC cookie cutters.
Here is Ernie's Rubber Ducky Punch!
The house

I made these gift bags for some of his presents. I just made the faces out of construction paper, then glued them to plain bags.
Grandma Debbie made Elmo Cake Pops! They turned out super cute! 
The green balls were apparently a huge hit with the babies.

Myles loves Brynn!
Sweet baby boy. My Job Share partner, Anne, made his shirt for him! He sported it very well. :)
Silly boy.
Love him.
Julie and Finn
Walking around with Grandma.
Walking to Grammy. He will walk everywhere while holding on to one hand. He can take 2-3 steps on his own, but still hasn't quite figured it all out quite yet. From what everyone tells me, that is a good thing.
"Hey Finn, get back here!"
Star of the Show
Myles and Lance checking out the "Balls" (as Myles calls them) with Grandpa.

Myles and Grandpa Roger.
It was a hoppin' party. :)
Lindsey and Camden reading Myles' ABC book.
Lance helping Myles open his present and reading him his card that he made him. 
Presents from Aunt T
So excited about his Elmo bowl and plate.

Aunt T is so silly.
Blake did a good job of filming the festivities. 
Myles wasn't too happy at first.
Then he saw his cake.
Ok, so I don't normally blow out candles looking like this. But, I saw him about ready to touch the fire and my eyes got real big. HA!
First taste...
Getting a little crazy
And there it goes... ALL in the mouth and nose!
And... he is so proud of himself!
Yea Myles!
Blake and I must spend too much time together... look at our crazy faces!
Bath time for the dirty boy.
Clean baby.
Myles in his "Hugh Heffner Elmo" jammies.
Walking around in his new "Pip Squeakers" shoes. They squeak every time he steps. He loves them... and so do the dogs. HaHa!

Happy Birthday Sweet Myles! We love you!


  1. Oh my goodness, Whitney!! You should be a baby birthday party event planner. Everything looks perfect, down to the tiniest detail! And the hand painted letters are incredible. Fantastic pictures, too. I'm going to have to pin this... it's like a Pinterest addict's dream party!! :)

    Also, do you have that recipe for the blue punch? I'm needing to make some for a baby shower.

  2. Loved all the pics, You and Sarah could go into the party planning business for sure!!!! Grandma Debbie is quite creative too!!!
