Saturday, April 28, 2012

"What does mama say?"

So you know you are the mom of an ornery little boy when...

 you ask him what all of his animals say and he tells you. Then you ask him what Mommy says, and he says, "No No!" AHHH HAHA!

Friday, April 27, 2012

"Please & Thank You"

I have been working on Myles saying "Please" and "Thank You." He still gets them mixed up sometimes.
Cutie pa tootie!

Mommy time

I have been loving my days off with Myles. He is developing quite the personality. Last week while riding in the car, I hear from the back seat, "Tookie NoNo, Owww, Owww, Mama, Tookie, Owww!" I asked him, "Myles, is Cookie biting you? You need to tell him no no!" He then repeated, "Tookie, Owwww, NoNo!" 
Hilarious! Where does he come up with these things?

 He is such a busy body, but I love how he always makes time to give his mommy kisses!

Dada's Home!

It is so sweet to see Myles get excited when Dada gets home. He always likes to stand next to the stairs to watch him come through the door. These are the little things that I want to remember forever!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Topeka Family

We went to Topeka last week to see family that was in town from California. Myles was excited to see cousins and more Easter egg hunts!

Love these two!
Found one
Showing cousin Juram his finds.

We were playing in the back yard later that evening and Myles found this bucket. He then started carrying it around and looking along the fence. The smart boy was searching for more eggs!

Sweet Jacob
Erin and Jacob
Jonah's eggs
This is what we do... Chase around after this boy all day!
"Daddy, can I have some fishies?"
Me helping Jacob count his eggs and Myles showing us his cool Easter grass.
Geeze my faces are ridiculous...
Myles opening more Easter baskets. Spoiled boy.

Easter 2012

I can't believe this was Myles' second Easter. This year was so much more fun! Little man got to get excited about his Easter baskets and hunt for his eggs this year. We wanted to get Myles a wagon for this Summer, so we figured, why not knock two birds out with one stone. The Easter bunny brought him an Easter wagon!

When he saw his wagon, I asked him "Who brought you your wagon?" Myles said, "Melmo!" 
Not quite buddy!
Good morning sunshine!
Checking out his goodies
Playing with his cool things from Grammy and Papa.
Grammy and Papa got his a ball glove!
Checking out Grandma and Grandpa Revelle's Easter basket.
"Papa, can you help me?"
Sweet boy loves sitting in his wagon.
These were the best eggs for Myles! He loved them!
Myles was throwing them in the basket. He has to dunk everything!

Mommy put a skittle in each egg. He finally figured out how to get to them.

Chasing some bubbles with Grammy.

Happy Easter from the Revelles!

Easter Eggs

We decorated Easter Eggs for the first time. Myles loved the "balls" and wanted to throw them in the cups. We love getting to do all of Myles "firsts" with him. It is so awesome to watch him take everything in. 

Sweet little boy

This was a Pinterest idea. It worked good, but the eggs need to stay in the dye for more than 10 seconds so... we needed about 12 whisks so it didn't take forever. 
Dropping an egg in the cup
Pretty eggs. Myles kept going "Ohhhh"
Family Pic 1
Family Pic 2 - It looks like we are playing Beer Pong... Promise we weren't!
Myles helping daddy put the Elmo stickers on his eggs.

 I seriously don't know where Myles gets all his silly faces from...
Myles found a little crack in the egg, the proceeded to shove his thumb through it and destroy the egg!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Crazy Face

So my child does this weird thing... He will completely flex his body and make the goofiest grin while doing it. We call it his "Crazy Face!" We will say "Myles make your crazy face," and on command, he does this. Cracks us up every time. 

Aunt T and Myles making their crazy faces. He wanted to do it to her. Ha!