Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pre Easter Egg Hunt

This past weekend we went to College Churches's Easter Egg Hunt. Myles had a good time finding all the "Balls." Everywhere he turned, there was another "ball" to find, pick up, shake, and throw!

He loved holding his basket.
Grammy and Papa joined us.

So fun!
Found his first "Ball."

Off to find more.
I love when he squats down to look at things.
Putting them in his basket.

Showing Grammy his treasures.

He loved finding the eggs in the trees. "Tree" is also his new word!
Love these two
Getting the ones up high.

You could only keep 10 eggs, so daddy was cheating and opening them up to see what candy was inside. If he didn't like the candy, he would toss it back and make Myles go find another egg!

Finding eggs in the bushes with Papa.
"It's my crazy face!!!"
"Counting" them

Our family of 3
Lots of love for this little boy!

Checking out the Easter bunnies with Papa.

Myles went in to touch them and they moved. It scarred him and papa thought it was funny.

Daddy and Myles checked out the "beep beep."

Myles wanted to see the "ohh ohhs."
He liked them, but didn't want to get too close.

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