Thursday, July 14, 2011

Look Who's 6 Months Old!

Well, 6 months have gone and flew by. My little man is now 6 months old and getting to be so much fun. I think that is the one saving grace for mommies is that they aren't sad to be leaving one stage because the next one is so much fun. I remember a year ago at this time we were just telling people that we were pregnant and then 6 months later... should have been more like 8, but who's counting, a beautiful baby boy came that totally changed our lives. 

I know it sounds crazy or impossible, but I actually think I am addicted to my little Myles. His bright smile just warms my heart and ohhhh his cheeks are just so kissable. Plus, the boy loves kisses; he leans in to get more once you start kissing him. :) Although having a baby is difficult and can put a strain on marriage at times, I can't help but fall more in love with Blake every time I see him loving on Myles. I am so glad I have a wonderful partner to raise this beautiful baby boy with!

So these are the WONDERFUL things that my brilliant child can do at 6 months (haha):
-He is eating whole grain cereal, bananas, avacados, and sweet potatoes right now.
-He is for the most part sitting up on his own. He occasionally will still topple over.
-He prefers to roll instead of crawl at this point. He will log roll across the living room. Still gets where he wants to go I guess.
-When trying to crawl he will get one leg going more than the other one and will just go in circles. It's kind of cute!
- He loves to grab for everything and likes to pass his toys back and forth between his hands. Dad is still trying to "encourage" him to be left handed.
-He loves to hear his own voice and is SO loud.
-Every morning he will lay and talk in his crib for about 20 minutes before I can't stand it anymore and have to go get him.
-When sleeping, he HAS to have one of his soft blankies right next to his face. It freaks dad out, but he loves the texture.
-The boy can burp and fart with the best of them! Yuck! He makes daddy proud though!
-Myles right now is aprox. sleeping 7pm-7am most days and normally takes a 2-4 hr. nap every afternoon. 

Oh, another thing going on right now is that Blake is convinced I am brain washing our kid! Right...! In the Summer, Blake and I alternate each day who gets up with Myles in the morning and who gets to sleep in. Well, every time it is Blake's turn, Myles wants to eat between 6-6:30 am. But when it's mommy's turn, Myles doesn't want to eat until between 7:00-8:15am. Blake has even tried getting up back to back days to try and throw Myles off... Didn't work. HAHA!

Here are some of my favorite pics from Myles' 6 month photo shoot. 

To see more of the photos:

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Oh, mommy"

Myles is a very carefree little boy. Luckily for me, he lets me do whatever I see fit! This day, he humored me and let me take a few pics of him outside.

Aunt T

Aunt Tara came over to go swimming! We had a great time and she helped give buddy a bath and ate dinner with us. We are so thankful she moved back home! We love her!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Super Baby Food

Since turning 6 months we have started giving Myles some solid food. (Which by the his 6 month apt. he was 25% in weight and 60% in height. AND .... Dr. said he was right where he should be OR even further along developmentally than other 6 month babies. Yea!) I am attempting to be Super Mom and make ALL of his baby food. I am reading and following the book "Super Baby Food" by Beth Yaron. ( I highly recommend it )

So I started off with whole grain brown rice which he seems to like quite well. The first time I gave it to him though he dry heaved the whole time because I had it too thick! Sorry buddy! Then yesterday we tried avocados for the first time. He really liked those too. Luckily this book helps me with the order of foods and how to cook, preserve, freeze etc.

As you will see in the video, Myles is taking in EVERYTHING! And I don't just mean food! He listens and watches everything. After every bite I will say "Mmmmm", and now Myles says "Mmmm" as well after every bite. So cute! You will also see in the video how I nicely tell Blake to "Shut up"  well... I quickly correct myself because guess who was listening. Yikes! We have to think about everything we say now. For example... something isn't "stupid", it's "silly". We are even jamming out to Baby Einstein in the car now. 
YES we are those parents!!!

Baby Babbles

Myles loves his voice! He is so loud all the time and cracks us up!

Happy 4th of July

We had a great 4th of July weekend. We spent it going on walks, going out to breakfast, going swimming, going to church, going over to Grammy and Papa's, and spending time with friends. We ended up taking Myles to fireworks and he seemed to really like them. He stared at the bright lights the whole time. 

I felt bad taking him out of bed to go see the fireworks; but Blake talked me into it since it was his first time. It really helps too that Myles is such a laid back and care free baby. He will do whatever we need him to do and be fine with it. Obviously, I don't abuse this privilege and keep him out all the time; but there are special circumstances (like fireworks) where it helps to have such a good baby. :) 

*4th of July hat was courtesy of Grammy and her sewing machine*

 My big boy

 Playing with daddy

 Myles loved Morgan

 This was his face during fireworks. In such awww.
 Myles with Nate and Morgan.
 Myles with Aaron and Laine.
Myles with Mommy and Daddy.

We Love Doggies

Even though we had no doubt that the dogs would be wonderful with him; they still cease to amaze me with how gentle and caring they are for Myles. If Myles is laying on a blanket,  both of them will come lay directly beside him and let him pet, grab, and drool on them. They are so careful around him and let him basically do whatever he wants. Casey, by far, is the mommy dog. She is always concerned with what he is doing.

 Ears are fun to grab!

 He loves her!

 She is trapping him between her legs. Puppy hugs are the best!

 Mmmmm puppy kisses

  And... he always goes back for more.

 Myles loves dogs. So needless to say, I think the thing we will have to worry about is not whether or not he is afraid of them, but teaching him that every doggy is not as nice as his doggies.

Baby Friends

Myles and Brynn Lyon have gotten to see each other a lot lately. (Mostly because their mommies want to see each other) They are 3 months apart and Myles seems to be pretty fascinated with her. I don't blame him; she's pretty stinkin' cute!

*Notice Greg... he waited until you weren't there to make a move on your daughter. :)

Brynn was smiling at her daddy here.

Sweet babies

 Reaching for her

 Trying to grab her hand :)

 Settled for her jammies instead

Sweet boy was running his fingers through her hair. If he keeps that up, he will make some woman very happy one day!