Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Super Baby Food

Since turning 6 months we have started giving Myles some solid food. (Which by the way...at his 6 month apt. he was 25% in weight and 60% in height. AND .... Dr. said he was right where he should be OR even further along developmentally than other 6 month babies. Yea!) I am attempting to be Super Mom and make ALL of his baby food. I am reading and following the book "Super Baby Food" by Beth Yaron. ( I highly recommend it )

So I started off with whole grain brown rice which he seems to like quite well. The first time I gave it to him though he dry heaved the whole time because I had it too thick! Sorry buddy! Then yesterday we tried avocados for the first time. He really liked those too. Luckily this book helps me with the order of foods and how to cook, preserve, freeze etc.

As you will see in the video, Myles is taking in EVERYTHING! And I don't just mean food! He listens and watches everything. After every bite I will say "Mmmmm", and now Myles says "Mmmm" as well after every bite. So cute! You will also see in the video how I nicely tell Blake to "Shut up"  well... I quickly correct myself because guess who was listening. Yikes! We have to think about everything we say now. For example... something isn't "stupid", it's "silly". We are even jamming out to Baby Einstein in the car now. 
YES we are those parents!!!

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