Thursday, July 14, 2011

Look Who's 6 Months Old!

Well, 6 months have gone and flew by. My little man is now 6 months old and getting to be so much fun. I think that is the one saving grace for mommies is that they aren't sad to be leaving one stage because the next one is so much fun. I remember a year ago at this time we were just telling people that we were pregnant and then 6 months later... should have been more like 8, but who's counting, a beautiful baby boy came that totally changed our lives. 

I know it sounds crazy or impossible, but I actually think I am addicted to my little Myles. His bright smile just warms my heart and ohhhh his cheeks are just so kissable. Plus, the boy loves kisses; he leans in to get more once you start kissing him. :) Although having a baby is difficult and can put a strain on marriage at times, I can't help but fall more in love with Blake every time I see him loving on Myles. I am so glad I have a wonderful partner to raise this beautiful baby boy with!

So these are the WONDERFUL things that my brilliant child can do at 6 months (haha):
-He is eating whole grain cereal, bananas, avacados, and sweet potatoes right now.
-He is for the most part sitting up on his own. He occasionally will still topple over.
-He prefers to roll instead of crawl at this point. He will log roll across the living room. Still gets where he wants to go I guess.
-When trying to crawl he will get one leg going more than the other one and will just go in circles. It's kind of cute!
- He loves to grab for everything and likes to pass his toys back and forth between his hands. Dad is still trying to "encourage" him to be left handed.
-He loves to hear his own voice and is SO loud.
-Every morning he will lay and talk in his crib for about 20 minutes before I can't stand it anymore and have to go get him.
-When sleeping, he HAS to have one of his soft blankies right next to his face. It freaks dad out, but he loves the texture.
-The boy can burp and fart with the best of them! Yuck! He makes daddy proud though!
-Myles right now is aprox. sleeping 7pm-7am most days and normally takes a 2-4 hr. nap every afternoon. 

Oh, another thing going on right now is that Blake is convinced I am brain washing our kid! Right...! In the Summer, Blake and I alternate each day who gets up with Myles in the morning and who gets to sleep in. Well, every time it is Blake's turn, Myles wants to eat between 6-6:30 am. But when it's mommy's turn, Myles doesn't want to eat until between 7:00-8:15am. Blake has even tried getting up back to back days to try and throw Myles off... Didn't work. HAHA!

Here are some of my favorite pics from Myles' 6 month photo shoot. 

To see more of the photos:


  1. Awesome pictures!! It's posts like this, that make me wish I knew what a blog was 9 years ago!! Tell Blake that boys can be so loyal, and they know mommies need their sleep! haha!!

  2. Jacque, you should start one!!!! I would so read it!

  3. Oh, I've been blogging for 3 years!! LOL.... it's just these kind of posts, where you get to record all of these milestones, brings back so many memories!! You are doing such a great job!!
    I guess I should've have given mine to you... (I think it was the "comment" button I couldn't find lol)
    I've even printed ours into a book!! Easiest scrapbooking EVER!
