Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cheap Entertainment

This is what I do with my days off...

On The Move

Buddy is crawling! He went from log rolling everywhere he wanted to go, to scooting on his back, to rocking on all fours, to being up on all fours and diving forward, to FINALLY crawling. I can't believe how big he is getting. Today he is 8 months old!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I LOVE my new job!!!

So this has been quite the unusual start to a school year!!! As most of you know, I was job sharing this year and planning on teaching every day from noon to 4:00pm. Which at the time, seemed like the ideal job. I get to spend a couple hours with buddy in the morning and still get to teach. 

Well, about 3 days before school was supposed to start a huge, new opportunity came knocking at my door. It was another job share opportunity to teach 6th grade social studies and teach, Tuesday, Thursday, every other Friday! AMAZING! Well, we did a ton of praying and really tried to figure out what position would be best for our family. Long story short, I ended up taking the position at Mission Trail Middle School and am absolutely loving it. I am teaching with a wonderful teacher (Anne!) who has a little guy as well. She also coaches softball at the high school where I coach volleyball. (How perfect, I know!) Another positive was that Myles' sitter, who watches him 1 day a week, lives in the Mission Trail neighborhood, so that was perfect!  I also have taught with so many of the teachers there already... it just felt like home. OH, another positive, my 4th graders that I had a Prairie Center are now 6th graders and I get them again!

Everything has has really just fell into place and we are so thankful. God has really provided for us. AND the best part about my job (other than the 3 and 4 day weekends every week...) is that I am getting to be a mommy to my wonderful little boy! He is so much fun and discovering a ton each and every day. He truly is the joy to my day and it is wonderful going to work knowing that the very next day I get to be off with him.

Love his hugs!
Mmmm carrots!

Sweet smile

 Mission Trail Middle School. It is the newest school in the district. I teach up on the second floor.

Trying Out the New Bathroom

 Lil' tubs

 Curious little thing.
 Blake saw this one and said..."YUP... definitely Revelle butt and thighs, not Schmidt!"
 Ready to go play.
 My sweet boy.
 Reading even in the tub...We expect a lot in this household. LOL
 Happy baby!

Love his pretty blue eyes!


So as most of you know we (as in Blake) always have to have some kind of project over the summer. Whether it's the deck, landscaping or whatever. This summer was a bathroom remodel. Our hall bathroom before had carpet, Yuck! It really was fine, we just weren't really proud of it. AND with buddy starting to take baths in the tub and splashing like he does... we needed tile.  Blake was on a big tiling kick, so when he decided to tile the bathroom and I suggested we go ahead and give it a full makeover. Love our bathroom now!

There was carpet down, but Blake ripped it up before I could get my camera out. He wasn't big on the idea of putting it back for the picture. :)

Blake working on the fixtures. Vanity and tile done. I painted the vanity black and roughed it up.


 What you see when you walk in.
 New shower curtain.
 New tile that Blake laid.

 We got rid of the huge sheet mirror and put in two framed mirrors.

 New faucets.
 Lil' buddy hanging on the wall.
 TA DA!!! It's done!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Petting Zoo = Scary Place!

Blake and I took Myles to the Deanna Rose Petting Zoo for the first time. We thought Myles might like it since he loves the dogs. Well.... not so much! For some reason everything terrified him. We were able to get some good pictures and film though. Ha! Stuff to look back on later and laugh.
I know... we're so mean!

Checking out the birds and doing ok. I they were the scariest though.

 Taking everything in.

 Daddy and Myles seeing the new baby calf.

 Watching the cows.

 Love his chubby lil' feet!

 Not so sure he likes what's coming up.

 DEFINITELY not so sure! The goats didn't even come up to them. He was just not having it.

 Daddy was having a good time. :)

 Thirsty boy. His favorite thing to do is to drink from a "real" cup.

 Yea... this is all the goats did. Scary... I know!!!

 Finally calmed down and walking around with daddy.

 Ok, so just like the goats... this is what the pig did the whole time we were looking at it.

 AND this is Myles' reaction to that pig!

Family shot.

Overall, we had a good time. At least Blake and I did. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Splish Splash

We are currently remodeling our hall bathroom so Myles is still taking baths in his whale tub in the kitchen. Which, he prefers to sit up in now. He also has to have all of his toys in there as well. He has always enjoyed his baths, but now they are even better. :)  We need to get the bathroom finished soon (pictures to come) because my hardwoods are getting flooded every time! LOL. The boy goes crazy with splashing; as you can see in the second picture.