Sunday, August 28, 2011

I LOVE my new job!!!

So this has been quite the unusual start to a school year!!! As most of you know, I was job sharing this year and planning on teaching every day from noon to 4:00pm. Which at the time, seemed like the ideal job. I get to spend a couple hours with buddy in the morning and still get to teach. 

Well, about 3 days before school was supposed to start a huge, new opportunity came knocking at my door. It was another job share opportunity to teach 6th grade social studies and teach, Tuesday, Thursday, every other Friday! AMAZING! Well, we did a ton of praying and really tried to figure out what position would be best for our family. Long story short, I ended up taking the position at Mission Trail Middle School and am absolutely loving it. I am teaching with a wonderful teacher (Anne!) who has a little guy as well. She also coaches softball at the high school where I coach volleyball. (How perfect, I know!) Another positive was that Myles' sitter, who watches him 1 day a week, lives in the Mission Trail neighborhood, so that was perfect!  I also have taught with so many of the teachers there already... it just felt like home. OH, another positive, my 4th graders that I had a Prairie Center are now 6th graders and I get them again!

Everything has has really just fell into place and we are so thankful. God has really provided for us. AND the best part about my job (other than the 3 and 4 day weekends every week...) is that I am getting to be a mommy to my wonderful little boy! He is so much fun and discovering a ton each and every day. He truly is the joy to my day and it is wonderful going to work knowing that the very next day I get to be off with him.

Love his hugs!
Mmmm carrots!

Sweet smile

 Mission Trail Middle School. It is the newest school in the district. I teach up on the second floor.

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