Sunday, September 25, 2011

Buddy is growing!

Last Sunday, we had a nice relaxing time at home watching some football. Myles is quickly learning that football is always on in our house. Here are some pics from that afternoon.

In the last couple weeks Myles has changed/accomplished so much. It's crazy.

  • He says "Mama", "Dada", "Baba" and he has even started mimicking our words like when we say "Bye Bye", he say "Bu Ba"... I know for everyone reading this you think I'm crazy... but my kid is a genius people!!!
  • He waves bye bye now. No not just with his hand... Myles does it with his whole arm! When we went up to Blake's school the other day he had to wave at every kid he saw in the hallway. He knows no strangers. 
  • He has started eating some solid food like puffs, grapes, cheerios. It absolutely scares me to death and I sweat the whole time he is eating them, but we get through it. No choking situations yet... knock on wood.
  • He has two teeth in on the bottom!
  • He is crawling everywhere, pulling up on things, going up and down the stairs and growing up WAY too fast!!!
I am absolutely loving being a mommy and it is so exciting seeing the new things that Myles learns everyday. 

Daddies are the best!

"Da Da, you have 2 eyes!"
"Look at my teefies!"
Love this... no one makes him smile like Da Da can!
Such a big boy
I love this little guy!

New food

For the most part, Myles has loved everything that I have given him to eat. I have taken a picture of him trying every new food, in hopes to make a food vocabulary book for him with the picture of the food with him trying it for the first time. We'll see if it happens...I get points for the idea though... right??? Here are two of my favorites so far though. They happen to be things that he wasn't crazy about. lol.

Mmmmm broccoli. I've now started mixing it with carrots and he likes it much better. :)
This was his reaction trying peeled, cut up grapes. He wasn't sure about a solid something in his mouth so he kept dry heaving. Poor guy. The very next time he ate them much better.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nothing is Safe!

Myles is movin' and groovin'! He is able to pretty much get anywhere he wants now. This weekend he has successfully gone up and down the stairs and is crawling throughout the whole house. Kitchen drawers are being opened and the dogs' food and water bowls are no longer safe! He is also pulling up on everything and he LOVES to stand.  It definitely takes a lot more energy to watch him now.

Oh, another thing that happened this weekend was Myles said "Da da" for the first time. Yea Buddy! Video to come.

He loves to climb on the furniture and sit up on the bottom shelf.

Twinkle toes!

He loves playing with daddy. Although, I think daddy played longer with the toy than Myles did.

Man on a mission.

He's getting more and more blonde.

Goofy boy.


He loves the stairs! It scares mommy, but he loves them.

Who did he get that from???

So besides his sweet lil' pug nose we have recently found one more thing that Myles got from me... his wonderful looks. HAHA! 

This was his reaction when we told him he had to go down the stairs backwards.


I took Myles to our neighborhood park the other day and we attempted to try out the swings for the first time.Myles and I love being outside and most mornings we go on a long walk with the doggies. I am the crazy lady that has a baby and TWO dogs; one on each side of the stroller. 

First reaction. He wasn't quite sure what to do with his arms.

The proceeded to look like he was passed out while swinging. He got one arm out...

Starting to look more lively. 

Lookie Lookie got both arms out. Happy baby now!

He looks so small.