Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nothing is Safe!

Myles is movin' and groovin'! He is able to pretty much get anywhere he wants now. This weekend he has successfully gone up and down the stairs and is crawling throughout the whole house. Kitchen drawers are being opened and the dogs' food and water bowls are no longer safe! He is also pulling up on everything and he LOVES to stand.  It definitely takes a lot more energy to watch him now.

Oh, another thing that happened this weekend was Myles said "Da da" for the first time. Yea Buddy! Video to come.

He loves to climb on the furniture and sit up on the bottom shelf.

Twinkle toes!

He loves playing with daddy. Although, I think daddy played longer with the toy than Myles did.

Man on a mission.

He's getting more and more blonde.

Goofy boy.


He loves the stairs! It scares mommy, but he loves them.

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