Sunday, September 25, 2011

Buddy is growing!

Last Sunday, we had a nice relaxing time at home watching some football. Myles is quickly learning that football is always on in our house. Here are some pics from that afternoon.

In the last couple weeks Myles has changed/accomplished so much. It's crazy.

  • He says "Mama", "Dada", "Baba" and he has even started mimicking our words like when we say "Bye Bye", he say "Bu Ba"... I know for everyone reading this you think I'm crazy... but my kid is a genius people!!!
  • He waves bye bye now. No not just with his hand... Myles does it with his whole arm! When we went up to Blake's school the other day he had to wave at every kid he saw in the hallway. He knows no strangers. 
  • He has started eating some solid food like puffs, grapes, cheerios. It absolutely scares me to death and I sweat the whole time he is eating them, but we get through it. No choking situations yet... knock on wood.
  • He has two teeth in on the bottom!
  • He is crawling everywhere, pulling up on things, going up and down the stairs and growing up WAY too fast!!!
I am absolutely loving being a mommy and it is so exciting seeing the new things that Myles learns everyday. 

Daddies are the best!

"Da Da, you have 2 eyes!"
"Look at my teefies!"
Love this... no one makes him smile like Da Da can!
Such a big boy
I love this little guy!

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