Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gone Fishing

The weather this week for spring break has been amazing! Every day we have been outside doing something. Tuesday night we went fishing with Grammy and Papa. I love experiencing all of Myles' firsts with him. He was so taken in by the ponds and the "fishies." We heard "fishies", in his cute little voice, all night long. After fishing for a little while we had a picnic and went back to Grammy's for a bath. 
Very fun night.

Myles and dada
Myles and Mama
Blake caught all the big ones that night.
Yes, our lives revolve around this little guy!
Checking out a fishy for the first time.
He was willing to touch the fishy.... only ONCE! Just like his mama!
"I'm just going to hang out behind you Papa."
All three boys checking out the fish.
Look at dada's big fishy!!!
My sweet boy.
Grammy thought it was so cute every time Myles squatted down. He wanted to be close to the water, but wouldn't let go of her hand!
So curious
Such good memories made tonight.
Lil' man trying to fish.

Cutest little fisherman ever!
He had to explore EVERYTHING!

I love my "Mommy-Myles" time.
Another big one!
This little boy goes everywhere Papa goes. If Papa leaves and goes somewhere else, we hear Myles yell, "Papa, Papa!" He loves his Papa!
So special
We will forever love these pics.

Chillin' in his chair while we get dinner ready.
Picnic time.

Such a great night!

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